Happy Full Moon Virgo


Today is the full moon in Virgo, which means that the Moon is in Pisces. In ancient days, the two signs were as one, if the legends are to be found true. While this is the time of increased energy, this is also the time for increased psychic work, as Pisces is the most psychic sign of the zodiac. What does your psychic side say? And how do you differentiate between your psychic side and your intuition? Let’s have a few facts: 1) Everyone is psychic; 2) In each astrological chart, everyone has something happening with regards to both signs. So, if you know your chart, then it might be wise to consider looking at where this full moon is happening, and what you can expect from this full moon. And, by default, what you can create.

A lot of times it is easy to simply ride the wave of energy that is present during a full moon, but I offer an alternative suggestion. Why not guide the wave, as if you’re riding a horse? Virgo energy is the energy of the harvest, and this is an excellent time to hone your skills when it comes to creating what you will in your life.

Both signs are mutable, which means both can go with the flow easily. Of course this is both a blessing and a challenge. The blessing is adaptability. The challenge is too much go with the flow, and not sticking to something. Whether or not you know your chart, by observing what is going on around you, you can develop your intuition a touch further during this full moon. And best of all, by honing it, the capacity to manifest physical results is increased.

The one spiritual insight that goes with this is that Virgo energy is also the energy of being of service. This begs the question: Where are you of service in your life? How do you give back for what has been given? Through this, we honor what we have, and commit ourselves to improving ourselves.


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