A lesson in eclipses


I know it’s not the full moon, so here’s a special blog entry. This entry has to do with clearing some things up, and to provide more information on eclipses.

Last Friday night (July 1, 2011) there was an eclipse. I was working on my electronic newsletter, and a previous newsletter went out, unbeknownst to me.

So for those of you that got the newsletter and said what the heck? Well, that’s what it was. I was not aware that it went out because the normal protocols that occur on the site didn’t happen to let me know it went out.

I share this story to not only illustrate my human nature, but also to use it as a lesson in what occurs during an eclipse. During an eclipse, which was happening that day, things get distorted, magnified, and can be affected in odd ways. So if you noticed odd things that occurred during this weekend, it would be wise to look back to the eclipse on Friday, and see how it impacted your chart, and thus would be determined what area of life would be impacted as well.


I hope everyone in the U.S. had a safe and happy Independence Day, and I look forward to what the future holds for all of us!




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