Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Cancer and the moon in Capricorn. It is the beginning of July 2023, and we are quickly approaching retrograde season that will carry us through the end of the calendar year. In play right now, in addition to the full moon, is Chiron in Aries, which is part of a cardinal sign T-Square aspect pattern that is activated now and will be in effect for the next week or so. A cardinal sign T-Square is a pressurizing and problematic aspect pattern, telling us that things will not necessarily be quiet over the next month. A lot of challenges will be present when it comes to how you heal inner tension having to do with your inherent masculine and feminine sides. To offset Chiron and thus the T-Square is the fact that Jupiter is currently moving through Taurus and positively aspecting the moon and sun at the moment, so while storm clouds may be on the horizon, things are going well in general.

A cardinal sign T-Square can be best worked with by inviting Spirit into your life and working with your connection to divinity more than normal. What is your religion? What is your spirituality? I realize a lot of people reading this might have problems with the concept of religion, so I will share my definition of it, which I draw from Spiritualism. To me, religion is how you live your life in accordance with natural and universal laws. Thus, your religion is how you align yourself with the macrocosm and how you live out your spiritual and personal development in daily life on a regular basis. Of course, this definition is not found in the dictionary, but I have found this to be useful because it implies that each of us has a different religion. A lot of people have issues with mainstream religions, which is something I can understand, but many of those people never try to heal their rift with them, preferring to say “Forget it” when it comes to working with religion at all in daily life. The most obvious example of this is the “Spiritual but not religious crowd.” If you’re spiritual but not religious, then that tells me you don’t have a regular spiritual practice, and if you don’t, I’m not really sure you (the understood you, of course, and not the specific you reading this) know what it means to walk your talk. Does one have to walk their talk? Of course not. We do live in a free-will zone, after all, but largely because of organized religions, many people have an aversion to hypocrisy, so you may find your treatment is not exactly the warmest.

While this may seem like a tangent thought, it really isn’t because what we are discussing in a roundabout fashion is Chiron in Aries. Chiron in Aries is the combination of having wounds that have to do with a wounded sense of self and well-being. Low self-esteem, self-worth, self-value, self-confidence, self-love, and all things related, are traits of this placement. Another trait of Chiron in Aries is having an honor code that has probably gotten you into trouble, but it can also produce a stubborn streak due to the willful nature of Aries. To illustrate-Someone that gets burned badly by organized religion(s) in their youth and is forever turned off from organized religions in adulthood. Keep in mind that I am talking about organized religion here and not addressing the type of religion I illustrated above. I point this out because the two are related. I have known far more people in my life that got burned by organized religion in their youth and thus never developed a regular spiritual practice on their own than have been burned by organized religion in their youth and have developed a regular spiritual practice in adulthood.

Why does this matter? Well, if the best way to work with a cardinal T-Square or Grand Cross is to invite Spirit into your life, then you have to have a vessel for Spirit to use to come into your life. Because we’re talking about divinity here, the best vessel to make available to Spirit is religion, but as discussed above, religion can vary from person to person. The important thing to remember is that it’s not about adhering to “a” religion but rather living a religious life, which means having a regular spiritual practice.  Cancer is the most religious sign in the zodiac, so while the sun and Mercury travel together through the sign, it is a good time to ask these questions and implement positive changes. Venus and Mars conjunct in Leo, squaring Uranus in Taurus, tells us that the way to establish your religion is through trying to figure this out because wherever you go from here regarding religion, it can help you achieve a greater connection with your ascended self, which is worth its weight in gold.

I leave you with the question, then. What is your religion? How do you live what you believe? Even if you think that’s a waste of time, there are still people watching you to see how your life is going, and they are learning from you. None of us exist without causing an effect, so by being conscious of this, we can take control over ourselves and influence the world around us, hopefully in positive ways.


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