Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the March full moon, with the sun in Pisces and the moon in Virgo. What separates this from a regular full moon is that we also have the ingress (moving into) of Saturn into Pisces after spending a number of years in Aquarius. Everyone is talking about this point, and it is a valid point to discuss, but there are some subtleties that should not get lost in the discussion, so get comfy, because there’s a lot to discuss.

The full moon itself is a time of harmonizing your imaginative creations and your daily work life. While remarkable because it is a full moon, it is unremarkable in that this happens every year. Now is the time to find the balance point within yourself between what you can conceive, and what you can achieve. The strong Piscean placements outweigh the Virgo moon, saying we may be naturally disposed to the imaginative, but the Virgo moon tells us it is time to get to work with a plan of action. Strong Aries placements tell us that yes, now is the time to plan for the new cycles coming your way, a point accentuated by Saturn’s movement into Pisces, and Pluto’s soon-to-be entrance into Aquarius. This reminds me of one of my favorite philosophies: “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity,” and thus we see that now is the prep time for the new year.

We’ll turn our attention to the Saturn component now, because Saturn is a slow mover through the zodiac. After all, he’s been moving through Aquarius for the last three years, so we immediately know this vibe is going to be in the air for a while (Until 2026). Saturn in Pisces is going to be a spiritual adventure, and could be kind of fickle in the process. I’ve been writing about this extensively lately, but cannot stress this transit enough. Saturn is time, persistence, longevity, and maturity, but also karma, lessons, and teaching. People with strong Pisces in their charts will fall into a couple of categories. The first one is comeuppance. For spiritual seekers, especially those with strong Pisces, Taurus, and Capricorn in their charts, this may be a time of being recognized for who they are and what they do, especially if they have been focused on spiritual growth and development for quite a while. Do you recall the teaching that extended hard work on a project pays off? Well, for those people with the above-mentioned signs in abundance in their charts, this may just be the beginning of their ships coming in. However, those that have not been so driven, this could be a time of challenges. Why? Because karma IS coming back around-the question is simply how, and what can we learn from it. I am saying this on a personal level, but some of this may also be true on a larger level. Karma is not an absolute, and what I mean by this is that you may receive good karma in some areas of your life, but not-so-good results or manifestations in other life areas. When we add this into the mix, we see that this full moon is the beginning of the initiatic process, so if it feels extra intense, that is because it is, specifically focused on these themes.

A hidden factor in all of this during this full moon is Mars. Currently there are three substantial chart points in Aries-Venus, Chiron, and Jupiter, and of course, Aries is ruled by Mars. The moon in Virgo is forming a minor aspect called a quincunx to these Aries placements, telling us that with a lot of major adaptation, you can achieve success working with the current Aries influence and themes. Also of note during this time is that Mars is in Gemini, which means it is harmoniously interacting with the Aries placements, and to put a dot on the exclamation point, Mars moves into Cancer March 27th, so we find that April comes in with a bang. This point is accentuated by what happens shortly after equinox, when we have a new moon and Pluto entering Aquarius, which is the final piece of the picture.

Pluto enters into Aquarius on March 23rd, and although this year it will go back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn due to retrogrades, it will stay in Aquarius from 2024 until 2044, so it is going to be around for a while. This will be a time of deep, profound transformation on a social level, so for those of you that are tired of the social justice warrior scene, I hate to tell you, but this is only getting started. We all know, though, that transformation doesn’t always play out the way we envision, so while we have the map, we do not know the territory, but in 2044, we will. Hence, this full moon is stage-setting for the end of the month, which promises to set the stage for an active April.

For more information on any of these topics, please consult my monthly astrological preview video on the Cult of You, my monthly astrological column for the online publication ev0ke, and the monthly horoscopes found on this website. With so much going on this month, you may find it wise to keep on top of things, astrologically speaking. The year is in front of us, and how we use this full moon to prepare will determine our success rate come December 2023.


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