Happy Full Moon Sagittarius/Eclipse!


Today is the full moon Sagittarius. And, as has been reported in the press, it is a dynamic one at that! An interesting prelude to this has been the fact that for the last few weeks, there have been a lot of articles in the news about different space related discoveries. This fact alone, out of context of the eclipse full moon, is enough to garner questions as to why all of this is being related now. I say this because there are those conspiracy theorists out there that spot patterns, and believe everything to be a massive coverup. There is one fact to keep in mind, though, and that is that NASA has a six month lock on all information that they receive. They roll out the information six months after it has been discovered. An easy way to understand it is that six month window can be seen as a sort of quality control period during which things are validated, etc. So what is now being released was actually discovered six months ago. And please keep in mind that the six month lock on information may or may not be accurate. I learned about it a few years ago, and we all know how fluid governmental policies are.

Now onto the rest of the blog!

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