Happy Full Moon Pisces!


Well, what a week we’ve had, eh? This may be a longer than average blog post, so make sure that you are seated, comfortable, and ready to process, because there’s a lot going on in our local solar system that is impacting life here on Earth, and there is a lot more that will be going on as well in the near future. Hold onto your hats, because here we go!

To begin with, how many people here have been noticing technological issues lately? Well, I can explain a lot of that, to ease the stress that may be going around. One of the reasons this has been going around is due to activity in our local solar system, so I share this insight with all of you to alleviate at least some of the stress. The first point to note is that there is the biggest solar storm in years that has been affecting us since last night, and will most likely linger over the next day or so. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ve been having cellular phone glitches left and right, and even some issues with social media sites. Yes, all of those are attributed to what is going on with the solar storm, so there’s factor number 1.

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