Happy Full Moon Gemini/Lunar Eclipse!


This full moon is one of the most potent ones of the year. I realize that I also said that about the most recent new moon, which is also true, and the reason both can be true is that eclipses happen in pairs, and this is the second one of the set. This morning, there was a lunar eclipse with the sun being in Gemini and the moon being in Sagittarius. In esoteric astrology, this is known as the festival of humanity, which is a wonderful time to honor the positive things that the species of human have accomplished. This is a festival that takes place in Shamballah; the seat of planetary governance. Thus, not only is this the time to honor what humanity has created that is good, but also an excellent time to contact ascended masters, and beings that have foregone ascension in the name of service to the planet. Whether you know them by the name of the Hierarchy or the Great White Lodge, or the A.A., what is emphasized here is that this is the time to contact these beings in the name of the Great Work, and of being of service to our fellow humans. But enough about this. After all, if you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you already know this. Let’s move on to actually discussing what can be done with this energy.

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