Happy Full Moon!


Today, we have the full moon, with the sun in the fixed water sign of Scorpio and the moon in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. This is also a lunar eclipse, visible in some parts of the world. When writing these blogs, it is far too easy to focus on the broad strokes and pop interpretation that are commonly found across the Internet, so I think I will instead focus on a hidden part of this equation-Venus.

During this full moon, the planet Venus is in Virgo. This combination is all about health and being neat and tidy. People with Venus in Virgo are neat freaks, not just when it comes to how their space is handled but also as it pertains to health. Taken to an extreme, this can mean some OCD energy, but when used in moderation, this placement can be an impetus for taking care of business and making sure things are done right.

During this full moon, Venus in Virgo is making a gently flowing positive sextile to two planets in Scorpio-Mars and Mercury. A sextile is a positive, gentle exchange of energy between the planets involved and is considered a favorable aspect in astrology. If you have ever been told that you are naturally talented with something, then astrologically, this can be interpreted as someone picking up on a sextile in your chart. Things come so easily with a sextile that you may feel like you don’t have to put any work into developing it, which of course, means you should develop it. Virgo is the sign of your daily work life, and Scorpio is the sign of business and shared resources, so when a sextile is present, it tells us the energy in the air is conducive to taking care of business, both physically as it pertains to cleaning, and administratively, which is much more cerebral.

This isn’t enough, though, and Venus in Virgo is also forming a dormant but positive trine to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, which is the same sign as the moon. A trine is a foundational building aspect like a sextile, but the difference between the two is that the sextile is already active in your chart and life, whereas a trine needs to be brought into being. Jupiter is the planet of expansion in many forms, and Uranus is the planet of things happening unexpectedly, chaotically, the higher consciousness, and the World Wide Web. Basically, if you put the work into cleaning up your online image, you may find this helps you achieve your goals. Another way to process this is to see that if you make your daily workspace tidy and clean, you can create new paths for prosperity and spiritual growth. Results might not be immediately coming, but they will arrive through diligent, long-term effort.

There is also a minor aspect in play regarding Venus, which is a quincunx to the planet Chiron in Aries. A quincunx tells us that the planets involved are one-hundred-fifty degrees apart, or in layman’s terms, five signs. The lesson of this aspect is that it is time for creative problem-solving solutions. The tried and true methods of conflict resolution are not working right now when it comes to the energies of these planets. Chiron is the planet of the wound and wounded healer, and when it is in Aries, the wounds that are being addressed are those that have to do with a healthy ego. Thus, when you connect the dots, you see that it is time to take creative solutions when it comes to healing your sense of being, and in order to apply that creativity, it is time to clean up your act. Get clean, however you interpret this. Whether this means cleaning your office, or healing under different circumstances, or cleaning your body, the underlying principle is to get clean and approach your healing journey from a new perspective.

Both Taurus and Scorpio are very money-focused signs. They both have to do with resources, but Taurus is your resources, and Scorpio is the resources you share with others. When you add them into the mix of this interpretation, we find that the bigger picture reveals that by taking control of your finances, both personal and shared, you can heal your wounded sense of being. Or perhaps the converse is true. By healing your internal ego-based wounds, you open the floodgates for increased resources for both you and your partner(s). It may sound like I’m catering to a business crowd, and to a certain extent, I am, but these ideas apply to everyone and are more than just finances. Resources are the physically manifested results of your will upon this earth. Resources are the physical representations of the exchange of energy between you and the greater world at large. Seeing the connection between a healthy sense of self and being and how you achieve success in the outside world is a major theme right now, and if you put these energies to good use, you can produce results that serve to increase your confidence.

Now there is more ambient energy in the air available to you than normal, so I encourage you to take advantage of it. Apply the thoughts shared above and see what kind of changes you can create. All it takes is confidence and seeing the connection between a healthy inner life and a healthy outer life. By assessing what you value, you revisit themes that can assist in your personal growth and success. I encourage you to see the connection in your healing journey to the results in your external life. As the calendar year begins to draw to a close, we find that it is time for a review. What has worked this year, and what hasn’t? What can you change? What do you have to accept? By answering these, you increase your ability to see the greater multiverse and all the wonders it has to share.




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