Happy Full Moon!


Today we have a full moon, with the sun in the fixed fire sign of Leo and the moon in the fixed air sign Aquarius. Not only is it a supermoon, telling us that the energy is stronger than normal, but both of these celestial bodies are squaring Jupiter in the fixed earth sign Taurus, turning the overall vibe in the air tense in addition to being strong. Whenever there is a full moon in Leo, the emphasis is always on the role of the individual in the context of the greater whole of society. This is basic astrology 101, but what makes this moon interesting is the role of Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter is the planet of prosperity, the expansion of consciousness, and living large. In Taurus, this tells us now is the time to look at how you can expand your pocketbook while at the same time not expanding your waistline, even though the indulgences are sooo good! This is an analysis of just Jupiter in Taurus, but to truly work with it accurately, we need to put this into the context of the full moon and other astrological happenings.

The squares present form an aspect pattern called a T-Square, which is happening in fixed signs. This is a pressurizing aspect pattern, bringing with it challenges and growth opportunities. In a lot of ways, you may feel like you and your life are in a snow globe that has been turned upside down and shaken. This act is known as agitation and is talked about a lot in the art of alchemy, and there’s not a lot of mystery to it. So, when we put the three main points (Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Taurus) involved in this together, it tells us that now is the time of challenges when it comes to harmonizing the self with the greater whole, and how it is up to us to adjust our thinking, because it is time for innovation.

The irony here is that the lesson of the fixed sign T-Square is discipleship. What do you believe, and why? What price are you willing to pay for your beliefs? Can you clearly and accurately assess how you live your beliefs or is your perspective clouded by nostalgia and narrow-mindedness? Some principles are timeless, yes, but others are products of their times and should be re-evaluated and changed as the times change. I’m reminded of a good illustration of this. If you are internally torn between finding the harmony between doing your own thing vs. doing things in line with society, then it stands to reason that you might miss opportunities for prosperity and mental growth because your mind is not on the physical world but rather existential crises.

Adding a flair to things is the current Venus retrograde in Leo. This comes along to tell us that maybe doing what is best for ourselves and ourselves alone is something we have outgrown. Venus is at the tail end of Leo, meaning a cycle is coming to a close, and in this context, the cycle is that of blindly following something, whether it is a god or a principle. To help us with this, we have Mars in the mutable earth sign Virgo, which is forming a dormant but positive trine to Jupiter in Taurus. This tells us that sometimes the best way we can help ourselves is by shutting out the mental noise and simply doing the physical work that is our responsibility. With Uranus in Taurus trining Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, we find that if we do want to engage in the outside world, we will have to make changes so that we can express our individuality more productively than normal. Even though this full moon is fire and air, there is enough earth present to tell us that it is time to focus on the here and now, the tangible and the necessary.

Even though August starts off with a T-Square, things will change in the near future, as I have discussed elsewhere. I point this out because the last two months have been full of T-Squares and the more powerful Grand Crosses, but this is not the case with August. Even though it may feel like we are simply continuing the last two months, this is more a case of the last hurrah before the astrological winds shift more with the upcoming Mercury retrograde towards the end of the month. This means, hey, hold tight. The times they are a changin’. For now, focusing on inner harmony and synthesis coupled with redefining your role in society. This will set you up for success when Mercury retrogrades and can be just the rainbow in the dark needed to guide you as we come out of three intense months.


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