Happy Full Moon Taurus/Wesak!


Today we have the Full Moon in Taurus, AND a Lunar Eclipse! This is one of the most, if not the most, powerful Full Moons of the year. This is also the sacred ceremony of Wesak in eastern traditions which celebrates the birth and ascension of Lord Buddha. I usually speak about that here, but I now have a PDF on my website explaining it, so this year I’m going to continue focusing on other names for this Full Moon. Other regional and folklore names for this Full Moon include “Milk Moon” or “Thrice Milk Month.” One of the reasons for these names is that, as legend has it, this is the time during which cows give milk three times a day for the month. Whether or not this is true is a moot point for this blog, but I would like to point out some things that are noteworthy.

To begin with, the tropical sign of the zodiac where the Sun is, currently, is the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Taurus is associated with the bull, which is because the constellation is shaped like the head of a bull. We could get into a “chicken or the egg” discussion here, but I see no reason for it. Suffice to say that I don’t believe in coincidence.

Next, let’s move onto the less tangible. Taurus is a consistently productive practical sign, and isn’t that appropriate? Now is the time of planting seeds, and of working with the energy of Spring. This is the time to plot out how to do the hard work that will be necessary to manifest this year’s intents and goals.

So let’s summarize for a second. We have the Milk Moon, which supposedly references cattle, in the earth sign of the bull, again, referencing cattle, and this is spring, which is the time for preparing for the hard work that lies ahead for the coming zodiacal year. I don’t know what your spiritual path is, but most likely, if its polytheistic in any fashion, there is a deity that is associated with cattle and related bovines. For example, there’s the ancient Egyptian deity Hat-Hoor, or as she’s known, Hathor. Her imagery usually has characteristics of a cow, and she is associated with prosperity, abundance, and love.

I hope you’re ready to work, because if this eclipse is any indication, it’s going to be a wild ride of a year!

On a final note, I would like to let everyone know that I set up a survey through Survey Monkey to solicit feedback. Don’t worry, I don’t like online surveys either, so I kept it brief. There are 10 questions, but depending on your answers, it could narrow down to 5. I would appreciate feedback so I can be of greater service in the coming year. Anyway, here it is. I’m going to leave it open until astrological Walpurgisnacht:


Thanks, and have a wonderful Full Moon Milk Moon eclipse!




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