Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Virgo and the moon in Pisces. Retrograde planets are really what we’ll talk about, though, because there are two of the eight retrogrades that are playing large roles at the moment. The first, most public one, is the retrograde Mercury that is happening as Mercury moves through its sign of Virgo. Mercury retrogrades are periods of intense review that usually have to do with things related to personal communication, electronics, and, now, the workplace. With Mercury moving through its own sign and the sun occupying it as well, we find that this retrograde period is more intense than most. Thus, in general, it may feel like Mercury retrograde is everywhere in your life right now. This may be an especially strong feeling considering that Venus is also retrograde.

What makes this full moon even more impacting is that the moon in Pisces is conjunct, or blended with, the current Saturn retrograde. When Saturn is retrograde, it tells us it is time to revisit habits and patterns we have that we have outgrown. In other words, this is a good time to see where newer techniques and approaches are available to you. The emphasis here is on adaptation and maturing. Since Saturn is in Pisces, this tells us this is occurring regarding spirituality, how you handle your emotions, and developing your spiritual gifts. When Saturn is conjunct the moon in general, it tells us there may be fears that are blown out of proportion that bind you somehow. When you put this together with the Sun, retrograde Mercury, and retrograde Venus, it tells us that now is the time to go within and fix what needs to be fixed, or grow where growth is needed. Insecurities and a lack of self-trust would be wise to be addressed.

Retrogrades, in general, mean it is time to go within, and with eight planets currently retrograde, we find that the message of this full moon is to go within and make necessary changes. The Virgo influence tells us to make calculated changes, rather than emotionally driven ones, and to approach things analytically. Compartmentalization is a good word to describe Virgo behavior, and while sometimes this is a bad approach to take, that is not the case now. As I’m looking at the full moon chart right now, there are eight planets retrograde, with only four direct, and two of those four never retrograde (The sun and the moon), so most solar system energy is focused on us going in, rather than making an impact on society. In September, this will change to seven planets retrograde, so it does get less intense in some ways but stays the same in others.

A hidden influencer at the moment is Mars in Libra. Traditional astrology says that Mars is in a weak spot when in Libra because its power is divided, and while some of this is true, it is also worth mentioning that now is the right time to be proactive when it comes to getting along with people, as well as finding inner peace. A good practice for this full moon is finding internal peace and justice. It may seem strange to seek internal justice, but really this is a fancy way of saying making peace with your deities. If you work with heavy-handed deities, then now is the time to ensure you are right with them and in line with them. Self-forgiveness is something to practice here, as is bringing yourself into divine alignment with divinity, regardless of what you call it.

All in all, this is a full moon to balance out your emotions and your cognitive mind, as well as your spirituality and how you bring it down to results in the physical world. While the scales do favor the emotional side of the equation, it should be noted that it is through mastery of emotions and emotional detachment that one achieves success. While this may seem specific, remember that everything is connected, so while it looks like we are discussing emotional and intellectual issues here, at the root of it is spiritual initiation. We are now being called on to elevate in order to create.




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