Happy Full Moon Sagittarius!


Today brings us, as the native names call it, the Full Cold Moon, or alternatively, the Full Long Nights Moon. Of course there are other names for this moon as well, but I think you get the picture and the theme. We’re coming up to the longest night of the year on the Winter Solstice, and thus themes associated with this moon have to do with what is going on, physically, at this time, from a western world perspective. This is the time when its flat out cold, and this is also the time when the nights are the longest. There is more darkness than light, and the light is at its weakest point.

This is the time of year that the potency of darkness is thrust upon us, and we see it all around us, reminding us that it exists, and that it can be cold. However, we also know that this is temporary; seasonal, if you will. While we understand the gravity of the situation, we also know that things are cyclical. This, too, shall pass.

When we find ourselves at this point, though, we find that the light within us begins to glow stronger. We realize our own potential and power, and by realizing this, we also come to know that there is a rhythm to life. By creating that rhythm in a way that is hand in hand with Spirit, we begin to understand and unleash our full potential onto the world.

However, before we can accomplish this, we must face our own darkness. This is represented by the fact that the Moon is in Gemini, and the Sun is in Sagittarius. Gemini is a very curious sign. It likes to explore many different subjects, and preferably socialize while doing it. However, Sagittarius is singularity, focus, and strategy. It doesn’t care about such things as socialization; it simply does what it does. While Gemini may be more knowledgeable about a lot of different subjects, Sagittarius is usually a master of one, in depth.

During this full moon, it is wise to keep all of this in mind. Granted, we’re facing the largest amount of darkness that we will face during an astrological year, and it is particularly cold, but we’re also in a position to find our own inner light, to tap into it, and then to formulate how to release it. How do you define your focus? How are you narrowing down your sights? Where is your own inner power? In the upcoming zodiacal year, how will you create it hand in hand with Spirit? Are you disciplined?

This coming Saturday will be Solstice, and from the bottom of my heart I send gratitude and love to you, and may we all receive fortuitous blessings for this most auspicious time!


Rev Bill

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