Happy Full Moon Cancer!


This is the day of the so called “Super Moon,” due to the fact that it is closer to the earth at this time. Hence the energies are increased, and here we have the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. These two energies couldn’t be more opposite, though, as Cancer is sensitive, emotional, tradition based, and very home centered, while Capricorn is more about autonomy, productivity; in short, concepts related to career advancement. However, it’s not restricted to the career. Capricorn is the mature person and their inner drive, standing alone if necessary, and only caring about tradition as much as it serves them. Cancer is emotional and inclusive, while Capricorn is cold business.

During this time, we can harmonize those two energies within ourselves, and keep our sacred center as we move through the energetic year. However, we can also bring balance to our personal lives in the same ways. It is also wise to readdress those concepts, and how we feel about them. Sometimes we didn’t exactly have the best circumstances in our formative years to learn certain things, and this is a good time to readdress areas that we may find lacking, and to figure out where to go from here.

Soon Saturn will be moving direct, and this is worth noting because it means that it is time to implement the new techniques that we have been looking at since Saturn went retrograde months ago. This is the prime time to see what we will be doing different, and prepare for the implementation of said ideas.

This is also a powerful time because the Moon will be conjunct Pluto, and thus the Sun is in opposition to it as well. Pluto is all about deep rooted transformation, and thus our own inner transformation may be looked at again, in a new light, and we may have more personal energy invested in it than in other areas of our lives. However, we may feel an emotional pull, that complicates things, which is arrived at due to the tension with the Sun. Technically, the Earth is in Capricorn right now, too, and this tips the scales in the favor of the Capricorn energy.

I encourage everyone to ponder this to begin to prepare for Saturn going direct on the 20th. Now is the time to put the finishing touches on the plans for the next 3 months or so, and utilizing this time this way is very wise.



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