Happy Full Moon!

Today, we have the full moon, with the moon in Virgo and the sun in Pisces. This is a very interesting full moon because things are not as they appear if you only give it a cursory glance. On the surface, we could point out the fact that now is a good time to give your spiritual vision purpose, structure, and methodicalness in order to bring things to physical manifestation later this year. While this is true, a deeper level is that in order to do all of that, the easiest way to achieve these goals is by elevating yourself. This sounds vague, so let’s clarify what that means.

Elevating yourself is not the same as raising your vibration. Well, at least not at the moment. You can raise your vibration by elevating yourself, but it takes consistent effort to make the changes strong enough to raise your overall vibration on a permanent basis. What we’re discussing now, which is good to do during this full moon, is elevating yourself. For example, do you usually have many hours left in your day when you are done with work? If so, how are you filling that time? If you fill it by reading, then great! But, if all you do is read, then this is the time to back off on the reading and focus on developing a skill to create a product. This doesn’t mean you have to sell it. The most important here is just to get into the new habit. I know plenty of people who have taken up new hobbies not in the name of making money but rather to give gifts to others. Think of the crafty people you know who give gifts during the holidays. This is an example of elevating yourself. Another phrase you could use is “stepping up your game.” A more black-and-white example of this is going from lazy to hardworking. Or going from reacting to your life to being a proactive co-creator of it.

Elevating yourself means pushing yourself harder than you usually do in the name of bettering yourself. Whether this means taking up a new exercise routine because you’ve been a couch potato, or learning a new skill to forward your career, I think you get the gist. This is the full moon to begin such things. Why?

The Virgo moon brings organization, analyses, and a strong work ethic to the picture, and the planets in Pisces-the sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune bring inspiration and creativity. Additionally, what is present now that is not normal, is that Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus. Taurus is another sign that corresponds to a strong work ethic, but it also corresponds to your daily work discipline and the notion that consistent work yields large results. Virgo and Taurus trine each other in the natural zodiac, so the new habits you form now will take a while to manifest, but manifest they will, and they will produce large, long-lasting results rather than instant gratification.

Also factored into the equation is the fact that the planets in Aquarius, Venus, Mars, and Pluto are forming gentle, positive interactions with Chiron and the North Node of the Moon in Aries. But, these planets in Aquarius are forming challenging interactions with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This means that now is the time to make new inroads into society and social interactions, but at first this may present challenges to manifesting results from the new skills you plan to learn. The way it is playing out with me is that I have a new website in development (Aquarius), and it is worlds better than my old one (Taurus). I know how to manage my old one (Again, Taurus), but the new one requires learning a new way to interact with the dashboard of the website behind the scenes (Again, Aquarius). So, the challenge for me is to be the old dog (Doing things as I know them, which is Taurean) that learns new tricks (Aquarius-embracing the new), because I know this will pay off in the long run with the website. Since the new website is an upgrade, it heralds the start of something new (the North Node of the Moon in Aries), and once I get my water wings with the new website, the whole project is going to take off like a rocket (evidenced by the smooth interaction between Aquarius and Aries as mentioned above).

I know that paragraph may be kind of astrologically intense, but I wanted to break things down step-by-step so you can see how it all fits together. Learning this new skill set is a way I am elevating myself, and I know to elevate myself because the sun and Saturn are conjunct in Pisces, and will be for the next several days. Pisces is the sign of the visionary, a voice of the future (along with Aquarius), but sometimes Pisceans can get lost in their imagination. Right now, Saturn comes along and forces us to step up and grow up in order to make our inner vision a reality. Or we can choose not to do this, in which case Saturn comes along to share our deserved karma with us for choosing not to evolve. After all, as I have said many, many times, Darwin was right: is the most adaptable of the species that survives, not the strongest, as some troglodytes believe.

During this weekend, I encourage you to take time to yourself to contemplate these things. How can you step up your game? How can you elevate your life? I can tell you now is the time to do it and how it all astrologically fits together, but I can’t tell you the details because I’ve never walked a mile in your shoes. In other words, I can give you the map, but only you know the territory. And yes, this is one of those times that if you choose to do nothing, it WILL come back around, probably to either bite you in the ass or show you how antiquated you are, and how evolution is leaving you behind.



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