Happy Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse!


Today we have the full moon in Aries, while the Sun is in Libra, and this one is worth noting because it’s a lunar eclipse. As some might now, it is also considered a “blood moon,” too! Wow! This is especially epic if you consider the fact that Mercury is currently retrograde, making this a good time to get in touch with our inherent being. Libra is the sign of balance and harmony, while Aries is the sign of new beginnings, but also, if done properly, the honor code, and of doing the right thing. Coupled with the Mercury retrograde, it tells us that now is the time to go within and address these properties that one has. Going within and reorienting the self is something that is wise to be done at this time of great empowerment. It’s also wise to take this time to find the harmony within between the self and the concept of the other. A balance and harmony between taking care of the self and taking care of others is something that would be wise to refamiliarize yourself with now, too. Sometimes its easy to give more than to keep back for the self, yet by striking that balance we can live a healthy life, rather than just “a life.” In more primitive times it was thought that we should “give until it hurts,” as an example. But now in more enlightened times we know that if we can’t take care of ourselves, then we can’t take care of others.

This is also an excellent time to integrate what we have learned and experienced throughout this year in order to better prepare for the upcoming winter, and to see where adjustments will need to be made for next year in order to have a better harvest, no matter how that harvest may manifest. By working with these foundational principles of cultivation and growth, we can put ourselves in a more empowered position overall, and become greater co-creators of our reality. We are humans, and as such we are in a position to apply our intellect to our various life situations to decide where and how to cultivate growth and pruning techniques to achieve greater heights.

We also find ourselves at the beginning of the second half of the energetic year, and because of this we have what could best be described as a midpoint or halftime during which we can catch our breath and plan on how to handle the next half of the year. What will we create for the next half of the zodiacal year, now that we can see what has been created before? Where is our energy best applied to maximize growth? And, most importantly, where is it that we can improve? I encourage contemplation of all of these questions as a way to expedite personal and societal growth. Through this exploration of the self we can bring ourselves into greater cosmic alignment.

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