Happy Full Moon Capricorn!


Early this morning, or late last night, depending where you were in the nation, we had a full moon in the tropical sign of Capricorn, with the Moon being in Cancer, it’s opposite sign. This is an especially powerful full moon because we also have the outer planet Uranus going direct, even though it has been stationing over the last week. Uranus is the planet of individuality, as well as eccentricity, the World Wide Web, rebellion, and things that happen out of the blue and unexpectedly. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that is all about maturity, the career, the occupation, and all things related to professional advancement. Cancer is quite the opposite, more focused on the home and traditions. Cancer is also the most intuitive sign of the zodiac, and is known as a very nurturing sign.

Normally this full moon would be all about finding the balance between the home and the work place. However, with the Uranus influence, things are quite different. The injection of Uranus into the mix changes the dynamic quite drastically. What would be focused on the home and the career is quite different this year, with the influence of Uranus telling us to express our own individual, unique self.  Thus a major lesson of this full moon is on standing up for yourself and having confidence in your abilities. A large part of this has to do with your worth, and making sure that you get what you’re worth. Of course the catch to that is to not over-estimate one’s worth. There’s a difference between thinking you’re worth something you’re not, and looking back at your past and experiences, and seeing what you’re worth.

To address all of this, it takes courage, humility, and quite frankly, social skills. If you know someone is taking advantage of you, then speak up! Self-value and self-worth are the two main points to consider here. If you see that you are taken advantage of, and the person doing the action doesn’t see it that way, then the healthy solution is to cut your losses and leave the situation if possible. If it’s not possible, then it is time to plan how to exit, and then to execute the patience and discipline it takes to manifest these changes.

I encourage you during this time to perform an internal check and review to see if any of these things should be addressed, and if changes are necessary, then so be it. Stagnation equals death after all, and more often than not we should be our own saviors.


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