Happy Full Moon!


Today, we have the full moon, with the sun in the fixed earth sign Taurus and the moon in the fixed water sign Scorpio. In esoteric circles, this is known as Wesak, which celebrates the birth and ascension of Buddha into Shamballah. Shamballah is a city on the astral plane, and the easiest way to explain it is that it could be seen as the spiritual headquarters of the planet. Once a year, on this day, the ascended masters meet in Shamballah to discuss various topics, all of which have to do with the spiritual evolution and direction of the human species. Through meditation, you can attend there, too.

But non-esoterically speaking, it’s another story. Like I’ve been talking about in my newsletter and other posts, we find ourselves at a crossroads between the worlds. The dominant energy at the moment is a mix of Pisces and Aries. This translates to a foot in the past (Pisces) and a foot in the future (Aries). As has been talked about before, the power lies in the moment between the past and your first step into a new paradigm, so this is a powerful time for that reason alone. You may be reading this and thinking, “Well, what is stopping me from moving forward?” The answer to that is simple. The answer is that right now, we have Mercury retrograde for a few days yet. This is still the time to wrap up any existing work that needs to be done. So, yes, moving forward is on the horizon, but it is not quite here yet.

Complicating the picture is that the sun and moon are forming a challenging aspect pattern called a square to Pluto in Aquarius. Thus, we have a fixed sign T-square. This is an aspect pattern of tension and stress, so no, things are not calm right now. However, the way to deal with this pattern is through believing in something, particularly something greater than yourself. If you want to get particular about it, we are specifically talking about tradition vs innovation. The Taurus sun calls to us with a siren’s call, asking us to do things as they have always been done. The Scorpio moon, however, sings to us to follow our passions, particularly our darker ones. And to make things more colorful, Pluto in Aquarius tells us that society is changing and we should decide where we fall in that context. No one likes being told this, and I’m not telling you this, but rather as you watch events over the next four months unfold, you may find you feel compelled to choose, and when you feel that compulsion, I encourage you to choose. Are you part of the “it’s always been done this way” crowd, or are you part of the “Old problems can’t be solved with old thinking” crowd?

So, to recap, you may feel like you’re stuck between the past and the future, and right now doesn’t feel like the right time to take action, but you believe. If nothing else, you believe in yourself. So, to clarify, no, don’t take action now. Wait until the end of the month or the first few days of May. That is the theme of this moon-to have faith. The question is, what do you have faith in? You? A higher power? A concept, such as love or hope? Whatever it is, now is the time to believe. But know this weary traveler, we are not near the end of things but rather at the radiant beginning. If we only believe.


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