Laeknishond Ritual

15 Jul 2017 -1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Over the last 90 years, the Norse pantheon, tradition, and culture has been under severe attack by bigots and the ignorant. It has seen its deities, writings, and general concepts drug through the mud and the muck, yet it is still one of the most vibrant and alive traditions out there, with more and more people finding it and connecting with it with every passing year. However, it is still being perverted and abused to this day. In this ritual, we will be making a stand against the degradation that has been done to it, and will do our part as the community of SIDHE to help heal it. This is a group ritual for healing the egregore, and is intended to not only have a healing effect on the egregore, but also to illustrate that the Norse were as powerful healers as they were warriors. No handouts will be provided, and blood magick will be involved.

4093 Boone Hollow Road
