1 Sep 2015 -7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
After the basics of esoteric astrology have been learned in the previous series and the introduction, it is quickly realized that there is a lot more to this than has been covered. In this series, we will further explore the depths of esoteric astrology by focusing on a more global view. The prerequisites for this series is the first esoteric astrology series as well as the introductory class. In this series we will look at the following topics: Class 1 will focus on an esoteric view of history and cycles. Class 2 will focus on the different levels an individual soul goes through, and will discuss disciples, initiates, adepts, aspirants, and probationers. Finally, class 3 will focus on the world, and how different astrological signs coordinate with different cultures and countries. Each class is two hours long, and has an investment of $25 cash per class. Handouts will be provided.
11419 Concord Village Ave