Creating and Working with Magical Familiars Class

28 Jan 2017 -11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The cat of the witch. The imp of the sorcerer. The golem of the Qabalist. All of these entities are known as familiars to those that work with the energies of magick, and they are just as much myth as reality. No matter what path you walk, the concept of the familiar is one that is most likely known about, and in many different ways. Stories abound as to what is and what isn’t a familiar, and because of this, a lot of times ambiguity can arise from this information. In this class, we will look at familiars from several different viewpoints, as well as look at some of the lesser-known principles of them. This class will be 2 hours long, with an investment of $25 cash, and has the pre-requisite of “Magick 101.” Handouts will be provided.

11419 Concord Village Ave
