Events - 31 Aug 19

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Astrological Aspects Class

It is time to learn how the planets communicate with one another. The style of communications between planets are represented by aspects. In this class, Bill will explore the major aspects between planets in your birth chart. This class is geared towards people of all experience levels! Bring your chart if you have one, and if not, pre-registration for the class gets you a FREE NATAL BIRTH CHART, provided birth information is received ahead of time! The class will last for two hours and has an investment of $25 cash. Handouts will be provided.

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1:30 PM - 3:30 PM #_CATEGORY

Angels Class

Angels are some of the most fascinating and common beings that are found in modern spirituality. Their assistance, mystique, and potency are of great help to those that may feel a need to call on them. However, there are so many of them and there is such a rich history that it can be daunting to work with them. In this two hour class, we will look at their history, classifications, and traits to provide a starting point for working with them. There are no pre-requisites for this class, and it has an investment of $25 cash. Handouts will be provided.

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