Events - 11 May 19

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Tarot & the Zodiac Class

Do two of the more popular systems talk to one another? And if so, how? What is the correlation between the tarot and the zodiac? How can this information be used to further your path? How can you use one to teach yourself the other? What tangible information can be gained from using both in tandem? How long has this system been in existence, and how can it assist both the tarot reader and the astrologer?

This class is intended to provide the student a firm understanding of how the two tie together. While we will look at both the standard tarot and the changes that were made in Aleister Crowley’s unique Thoth tarot, we will also go in depth on the qabala regarding these changes, since it is necessary to understand the Thoth changes. While no previous experience with the qabala is necessary, it is helpful if there is at least an interest in it present. This class will last two hours, and has an investment of $25. Handouts will be provided.

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4:30 PM - 6:30 PM #_CATEGORY

Grimoires, an Overview Class

Grimoires as a tradition have been around for centuries, and arguably, for thousands of years. They are part of the history of magick, and in recent years have come back in popularity. However, there is a lot of mystery that surrounds exactly what they are, and how they are their own magickal tradition. In this class, students will receive background information as to what exactly grimoires are, and how they are still fluid and insightful to this day. Mystery will be removed, and a more practical and metaphysical light will be cast on them. The investment of this class is $25 cash for two hours, and there is no prerequisite. Handouts will be provided.

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