Events - 20 Jun 15

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Sacred Space Creation Webinar

What exactly is sacred space, and how do we create it? Is it difficult? What exactly can be done in this sacred space once it’s created? In this class we will take a thorough look at what exactly sacred space is, what can be done in it, and why it is an important in our lives, and quite frankly, to help us maintain our sanity! In this 2 hour class we will look at several aspects of sacred space creation, including how it can benefit our lives. This class will last two hours, handouts will be provided, and it has an investment of $30.

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5:00 PM - 7:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Cube of Space Class

An advanced tarot topic that is rarely covered is the initiatory cube of space. This is a concept that dates back centuries, and is one of the more sophisticated applications of the tarot. Using the 22 major arcana, the individual can see the lines of initiation, and can thus think in terms of the 4th dimension and higher. In this class we will discuss the history of the cube of space, look at the cube of space from a working format, and participants will leave with their own cube. Handouts will be provided. The class will last two hours and has an investment of $25 cash.

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