Events - 5 Apr 14

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Eclipses, Gateways for Growth Class

Every calendar year there are four eclipses that happen. There are two Lunar, and two Solar. These are particularly powerful times of the year, and usually coincide with the changing seasons of spring and autumn, and most times happen near equinoxes. This class will cover different techniques to use depending on the type of eclipse, and will discuss how the sign the heavenly body is in at the time of the eclipse can be used to greatest effect. It will also cover blending the two dominant energies together, addressing both the sun and the moon placements of such an event. The class is two hours long, and has an investment of $25.  Handouts will be provided.

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2:00 PM - 4:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Introduction to Esoteric Astrology Class

In the study of astrology, there are two sides to the subject. For starters, there is the side that most are familiar with, if only just in passing. This is commonly known as exoteric astrology. It is western astrology that looks at cycles and patterns, and how they can be understood and applied to one’s life. Then there’s an esoteric side to astrology. This core addresses the hidden side of energies coming into this solar system. It strongly correlates to the information Alice A Bailey brought through several decades ago, as well as Alan Leo before her, and HP Blavatsky as well, particularly with regards to the seven rays, and color energy. In this introductory class, esoteric astrology will be revealed on a very basic level. Students will leave this class with a passing familiarity on a very little talked about yet profoundly spiritually advancing subject. The class length is two hours, and has an investment of $25 cash. Handouts will be provided.

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