Events - 6 Jul 13

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM #_CATEGORY

How to Handle a Cancer Moon Person Class

Do you have that one person whose moon is in Cancer that you can’t figure out how to handle? Do you have a moon in Cancer that you’re not sure what to do with? In this class, we will discuss traits and characteristics of an Cancer moon, and in particular how to channel such energy in positive ways. This class is two hours long, and has an investment of $25 cash.

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2:00 PM - 4:00 PM #_CATEGORY

How to Handle Cancer Sun Person Class

Do you or someone you know have a person that is prominent in their life that has a Sun sign of Cancer? Is the relationship between the two open to improvement?  Is this a relationship that could use a little metaphysical help? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to join us for this class that will focus on doing just that. In this class, we will discuss traits of the Sun sign of Cancer, and how to approach situations involving them. This class will be two hours long, and has an investment of $25 cash.

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