Events - 16 May 13

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Astro-Dice Divination Readings

Will be available for astro-dice divination readings. 1/2 hour, $35 cash investment, 1 hour, $70 cash investment.

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5:00 PM - 7:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Astro-Dice Divination Readings

Will be available for astro-dice divination readings at Pathways. 1/2 hour appointment, $35 cash investment, 1 hour appointment, $70 cash investment. Also available for advance scheduled chart appointments.

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6:45 PM - 8:30 PM #_CATEGORY

Co-Leading Talisman Blessing Ceremony

Will be one of the ministers officiating the annual Circle of Light Church’s Talisman Blessing Ceremony. Canned food donation suggested but not required. Quiet energy work begins at 6:45PM.

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