Happy Full Moon Taurus!

Today we have the Full Moon in Taurus, with the moon herself in the opposite sign of Scorpio. In some eastern traditions, this is known as the celebration of Wesak, and this fact alone proves that the full moons for sun signs should be named after the sun sign, not the moon sign. Wesak is NOT the full moon in Scorpio, it is the full moon in Taurus. Anyway, though, that’s a rant for another time, but it is up there on the list with “astrologist” as being a crystal clear sign of ignorance.

“Whoa, Bill, starting off a little strong there?” Why yes, yes I am, because in addition to the Full Moon today, we also have Pluto beginning to station retrograde, which will be until October 6th. Pluto is the planet of deep-seated transformation and change. It is the planet of going below the surface to find the buried treasures. But, it is also one of the planets of violence. It is also a co-ruler with Scorpio, and with the Moon in Scorpio, we see that it is extra strong right now, and will be for the next few days. Once we get past this bubble though, its energy will soften, which is generally the case for outer planets that retrograde for months at a time.

This is a tricky Full Moon though, because we also have a lot of interactions between Taurus and Aquarius, too, due to Saturn and Jupiter both moving through Aquarius, forming challenging yet opportunistic squares to the Sun, Uranus, Venus, and Mercury, all in Taurus. So, not only do we have the emotional tension from the Moon, but we also have the tension between what is best for all involved, vs. what someone is comfortable with because it’s their comfort zone. Taurus is a sign of tradition, of working with tried and true techniques to get results. Aquarius is the sign of group activity and doing what is best for all involved. The catch here, of course, is that sometimes what is best for all involved is not in line with the way things have been done, yet there are those people that can’t grasp the concept.

So, what is the moral of the story, or the lesson, during this Full Moon? The first is, of course, Wesak, which you can read about on my website in the “Free e-books” section. But secondly, this full moon is a time to see what new ways work, and what old ways need to be banished. The old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is certainly not always true, and this is the time to look for new and innovative solutions to get things done for the best of all. Or, at least righting wrongs for people that deserve it, especially if it flies in the face of established convention. On an internal level, this Full Moon is all about finding peace between using old, tried, and true ways, and new, progressive, innovative ways. The second half of that, though, is to then go out into the world and live that truth out to those around you.

Are you going to go within to see what needs to be changed? If you already know, then how are you living that truth in new ways? This is the time to enact those changes, and until October 6th is a great time to put those changes to work for you in your daily life, improving the lives of those around you for the growth and development of all.



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