Happy Full Moon Libra!

Today we have the Full Moon with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries. The overall picture is one of tension and friction, currently, when you factor in Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, and this particular aspect pattern is called a T-Square, specifically in cardinal signs. This is an aspect pattern of both tension and friction, telling us that now and for the next month, it would be wise to watch for both cropping up in your life. 

A lot of this will have to do with spiritual challenges, specifically those that have to do with moving ahead, living in harmony with yourself and the world around you, and moving towards your destination in life. There is some information that can help you navigate the upcoming month though, which is that the way to work with this energy is to increase your spiritual focus and drive. Evolution is the name of the game, currently, and in short, it is time to step up or step out. 

You are in charge of how this is defined though, but the underlying principles are the same. During this full moon cycle, the next Mercury retrograde cycle will begin, which will most likely be the catalyst for seeing where adaptation and evolution should occur in your life, in case you don’t already know. Wherever you need to evolve can be easily accomplished by increasing your spirituality. Whether it is increased meditation, ritual magick, invocations, or whatever techniques may appeal to you, any or all can be very useful right now as you assess and plan. Oh, and by the way, the opportunity for implementing these changes will come at the tail end of this lunar month, so you won’t have to wait that long before implementing them. This is the time for planning though, and also seeing what needs to be changed. 

Use your critical thinking skills while doing this assessment though, and in so doing, you will see things clearly. When this is accomplished, you can shift to listening to your intuition for guidance and direction. All of this is preparing you for what is coming up in late December, which will kick off the Grand Ole 2020 party, so buckle up, things are about to ignite!


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