Happy Full Moon Aquarius!


Today we have the Full Moon Aquarius, with the Moon itself in the fixed fire sign of Leo. And tomorrow, Mercury stations retrograde, so if you think things have been pretty trippy so far this year, just wait, things are about to get more entertaining. This year is a year of air sign Mercury retrogrades, so in that way, this may be a year full of standard Mercury retrograde issues. This also means that air signs, or people with strong air in their charts, will be more affected than normal. But, that is a conversation for another time. Coming back to the Full Moon, this one may hit the fixed signs (or those that have heavy fixed signs in their charts) stronger than others, and it may have a larger than average impact on Scorpios, as well. Just about everyone will feel this one, though, because currently we have a fixed-sign T-Square aspect pattern, and usually, that denotes tension and stress.

A T-Square aspect pattern is a larger manifestation of a square, so it is full of challenges and those ever-loved growth opportunities. The more powerful version of it is called a Grand Cross. Really, the T-Square and Grand Cross are essentially the same, with the Grand Cross being more powerful, which is the only difference. So, what does this give us right now? The first thing it tells us is that the beginning of this Mercury retrograde is probably going to be intense, and considering there is a weekend in front of us, that is probably very true. Many of these challenges will have to do with being stubborn, or fixed in the past, rather than stepping up to the present and the future.

This is also known as the cross of the disciple in esoteric astrology. The disciple puts himself on this cross to purify and test one’s self. In this way, this Full Moon tells us now is the time to decide and prioritize what you believe and why. This is also the time to ask yourself if the priorities you have had are still in line with who you are now. To use a blunt expression: Are you really willing to die on that hill, a hill you no longer find important or relevant?

Even though a lot of this is inward-focused, the upcoming Mercury retrograde will reveal things we may not already be aware of, and in so doing, can help you go deeper in your understanding of yourself, the world around you, and of life. Now is the time of assessment in the name of evolution and progress. Remember, if you’re treading water, you’re losing ground, and even though many may feel like treading water is an accomplishment (Because it is in some instances), in the long run, it can be detrimental, so it is better to face these things on your time schedule rather than when you are forced.

I hope all of this helps you on your path towards personal empowerment, and until we chat again, may we all receive blessings of prosperity, good health, and success, as we move further into this new calendar year!


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