Happy Full Moon!


Today, we have the full moon, with the sun in Pisces and the moon in Virgo. It is also a blood moon eclipse, but these two factors aren’t the real story, are they? We also have a Venus retrograde; currently, Mercury is stationing retrograde, and both are conjunct. But even those are not enough. We also have Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node of the Moon conjunct in Pisces. Oh, and in a couple of days, Neptune enters Aries. Wow, what a lot going on! So, if you’ve been feeling it lately, this is why.

Last month and earlier this month it was all about feeling stuck, or lethargic, or not knowing where things are going. This was because of all of the activity in Pisces. Some of that is still here, but now the emphasis is shifting. With the blossoming Aries energy, we find a hint of fire energy coming into being. By the middle of April, both Venus and Mercury will be direct, the heavy Pisces energy will still be there, and within a couple of weeks after, Mercury and Venus will enter Aries, and Saturn won’t be too far behind, so come May, all of the recent traits mentioned above will be a fading memory, being replaced with heavy emphasis on air and fire: force and intelligence.

This doesn’t help us now, but I share this timeline to let you know that things won’t stay as they are forever. In two months’ time, all of this will be fading, but let’s return to now. After all, now is where we are.

Some of the trudging from the last few months is still present, so if you’re feeling stuck, its understandable. But, with Venus retrograde and Mercury soon to be, we find that now the focus is on internal changes. Specifically, self-talk and your ability to adapt. There’s a lot of polarization, especially in the USA, which ripples out to the rest of the world, and one of the things that tells me is that people aren’t adulting like they should. Mature skills like diplomacy, moderation, compromise, forgiveness, and conflict resolution are all in short supply. With the two inner planets retrograde, we find the answers to what we seek can be found within.

The catch, though, is that in order to accomplish these things, we have to deal with things from our pasts that come up to be addressed during this time. That’s not an absolute truth, though, for you might be like me and have had nothing from your past come up during this Venus retrograde, and the Mercury retrograde is yet to be determined, but I’m skeptical.

Besides the retrogrades, Neptune is conjunct the North Node of the Moon in Pisces, and the sun is conjunct Saturn there, too. All four of those chart points are within the last eight degrees of the sun, meaning they represent cycles coming to a close, and since all of this is in Pisces, the cycles that are ending are spiritual and emotional in nature. To many, that means a sensitive internal area is being hit hard, which is painful because of attachment. I’m pretty sure we see this every day: people unable to handle their emotions healthily.

This can be frustrating if you are serious and dedicated about your personal and spiritual growth. Everything is stuck, and when you look at the world around you, you see many things that are not quality or mature, yet since you are in the minority, you know there’s nothing you can do. So, you stay in your lane, knowing change is inevitable, but this lane you are in is stuck. Turning inward can only take you so far in life. If you’re not careful, you may fall into spiritual delusion or denial, or both. Two months are a long time to wait, so what can we do in the meantime?

This is a good time to ride the wave, so to speak. With all of this retrograde activity, you may find opportunities arise to fill and pass your time. These may not be desired or lucrative, but they can be good and productive ways to pass the time. Now is a good time to fill your time with whatever you can to not only occupy your attention but also to put you in a position for bigger success in the near future. This is what I mean by riding the wave. Take an inventory of what is at your disposal, then move forward appropriately. In other words, focus on what you can control, and don’t worry about what you can’t control.

Riding the wave doesn’t mean blindly surrendering to what your desire wants, nor having blind faith, but rather letting your life and agenda speak for itself, and adapt accordingly. Another way to look at this is to see its a good time to make sure you are not guilty of having a victim mentality. To quote a line from the movie “The Crow”: “Victim? Aren’t we all?”

Part of avoiding the victim mentality means having a thick skin regarding emotions. Over the last five years, almost everyone has suffered in some form or another, which has led to division and polarized thinking and behavior. Those wounds are real and should be honored, but what should also be honored is mediation, compromise, compassion, and forgiveness. I find it interesting that those are the same traits that are largely absent. Revealing, isn’t it?

During the next two weeks, you may want to pay attention to what comes up to be addressed. Instead of seeing these things as antagonistic, consider them opportunities or necessities, unusual and odd allies during this transition period of your life. They may be ugly, they may be difficult, but if you don’t deal with them now, they’ll only come back later with more intensity. The upcoming equinox can be used as a time to obtain balance, whether within or without, so in less than a week, take some time to center, and through that centering, find clarity to navigate the next six weeks.

But, for this weekend specifically, take some time for you. Reflect. Think. Pause. Breathe.


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