Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in the cardinal air sign of Libra and the moon in the cardinal fire sign of Aries. As I write this, I find that it is kind of hard to find the theme of this full moon. Not because there isn’t one, but because there are so many subtleties that it is hard to look at the overall picture, so let’s break things down. First, we have the full moon itself, so there is a heavy emphasis on the Libra Aries axis, with the balancing beam favoring Aries energy due to the current stellium of the moon, Chiron retrograde, and the North Node of the Moon, retrograde. Since two of these points are retrograde, the prevalent theme here is that of finding the balance between getting along with others and doing what is best for yourself. This is one piece of the puzzle.

The next piece of the puzzle is that there are currently seven planets retrograde. These are all either outer planets and therefore associated with social constructs, or social planets, which are associated with the same concept. Remember that retrogradations are reminders that we should go within and change us, so in context, this full moon is all about changing yourself in order to interact with and integrate with society. When it comes to interacting with society, what are you doing that’s working? What isn’t? Are you a misanthrope? Because if so, things are going to continue to be challenging. No person is an island, which is an important point to keep in mind during October. We all need others in some capacity or other, and I’m not talking about existential reasons here. I’m referencing basic things, such as grocery shops, healthcare, and mechanics.

The third piece of the puzzle is an odd quirk, which is the fact that most planets are in degrees ranging from twenty to thirty. This is known as the third decanate, and currently there are seven chart points in this range: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the North Node of the Moon. Broadly speaking, when planets are located in this area of a sign, it means a certain cycle of development is coming to an end. So, for example, Mars in Libra is all about a cycle of development ending that has to do with justice, but also interacting with others on a personal level. Another example is Venus in Leo, which is all about romance and creativity. Once these chart points hit the next sign, something new begins, so if you have been feeling like a lot of things are resolving and coming to a close, then you are right. Liberally speaking, we are entering a period of the old dying away for the new.

Do you see what I mean? These three pieces seem disjointed, but they are connected in that now is a good time to wrap up how you’ve been evolving, and how you choose to interact with the greater world. To complicate things, there is an earth grand trine present, reminding us that now is a good time to produce physical world results. When you put this into context of everything we’ve been talking about up to this point, it complicates things because we see a shift away from interpersonal relationships into the direction of dealing with work, money, health, and the overall direction of life. A good way to look at this is to align your spiritual values with your physical world results. In so doing, you transform not only yourself, but also your life and the lives of others.

I guess that would be the theme of this full moon: Change yourself and change the world. I realize that idea is overplayed and probably misunderstood, but during this full moon it is true. The veil between the worlds is thinnest now, regardless of where you are on the planet, and this is reflected through the cosmic sky. Or is it triggered by the cosmic sky? Regardless, if you feel like you have a foot in both worlds, you are correct. If you feel like one cycle is ending and another is beginning, then you are correct. If you feel like it is getting harder and harder to maintain a balance between yourself and others, you are correct. Working with the energy of this supermoon, you may find that transformation is a good way to go, and that the more you change, the bigger the results in your daily life.

What do you think? How is this full moon hitting you? What is your attitude towards society? What do you need to change within you? What can be controlled, or can’t be controlled? By answering these questions, you may find yourself humbled, but in a better position to address the physical world things that matter. Through this empowerment, you may find a new world opens up-a world of ascension, justice, and integration.


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