Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in the mutable air sign Gemini and the moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. Have you been feeling it? This is a powerful full moon, and I realize that all full moons are powerful, but this one is particularly so. The reason for this is that this full moon activates a mutable T-Square aspect pattern, occurring between the sun, moon, and Saturn in Pisces. T-Squares are aspect patterns of pressure, so you may find this is a challenging time, full of tension and stress. However, the way to proceed is by performing on yourself the life-death-rebirth process. This aspect pattern is that of the resurrection and resurrected god, so wherever there is pressure and tension in our lives, one of the best ways to deal with it is by undergoing this internal process. Sagittarius is the most spiritual sign in the zodiac, Gemini is the most curious, and Pisces is the most psychic, so you can see when you connect the dots, the major theme right now has to do with your spirituality. Is it time to change things up? Is there a part of your practice that has been stagnant and needs new life pumped into it? Is there something you still practice even though you don’t believe it? Whatever the case may be, now is the time for a change.

This full moon sets off an intense month, as I have discussed on the Cult of You’s monthly astrological preview video, my monthly horoscopes, and in my Ev0ke article, so I won’t go into detail here, other than to see that T-Squares and Grand Cross aspect patterns will be common for the month, so you can expect a lot of forward motion and change in June. These themes will bounce back and forth between the idea of resurrection and adhering to your beliefs, so there is no one-size-fits-all way to handle all of this. Rather, what will be appropriate in one situation will not necessarily be appropriate in another. Hence, if you think you learned a lesson or a method in early June, you are probably wrong, not because you are wrong, but rather because it will be a different lesson that shows up later. The funny thing is that all of this is in line with the Gemini sun that we are currently experiencing. Gemini is all about curiosity and adaptability, as well as using various methods and techniques-not relying on one way to approach what comes up. While yes, it is true that the only planet in Gemini right now is the sun, the aspect patterns in the background are driving the points home that we should always be open to new ways to handle things and that what was appropriate in one instance is not necessarily appropriate in another.

The Mercury Uranus conjunction in Taurus that we have right now is reminding us that this is a good time to connect with that part of our consciousness that is beyond this lifetime. This conjunction is also reminding us of the Hermetic axiom, “as above, so below.” What is true here is also true on a bigger level, and as we are, the greater multiverse is, too. Technically, even though the sun is in Gemini right now, this is still a very heavy Taurus month, with four planets there currently, so proceeding methodically, cautiously, practically, and groundedly are all good ways to get through the next several weeks. This activity is harmonizing very well with Saturn in Pisces, which reminds us that the best way to grow is to live your spiritual truth. Unless, of course, your spiritual truth (as you see it) has to do with harming others. Then, it’s not your spiritual truth, its your toxic ego playing games on you, or worse. Often times people get personal beliefs mixed up with spiritual ones, and this commonly leads to problems.

Yes, we do have a Pluto retrograde opposition to Venus in Cancer, so you may find this is a good time to transform your romantic relationship, familial relationships, and your relationships with the idea of the home, whether this is a physical place or your idea of home. This opposition tells us that when you look at your home life, you may think to yourself “something has to change,” and during this time, it may become clear what that is. But, you may also note that because of this aspect, situations in these life areas are strained right now, but they are strained because it is time to grow. Think of this as the first stirring of an embryo in an egg. You are currently in a position to shatter your outgrown shell, and since this is the case, why get upset? Why not find joy in the shattering process? This opposition is part of a different T-Square, too, occurring between Venus in Cancer, Pluto in Aquarius, and the North Node of the Moon conjunction in Taurus. The message of this T-Square, since it is a fixed sign, is that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and stick to your guns when it comes to your moral code and ethics. A fixed sign T-Square or Grand Cross is all about being a disciple to something. What are you a disciple of? And if you think you are not a disciple to something, I hate to tell you, but you are wrong. How do I know this? Because being a disciple simply means you believe in something or follow something, and we all believe in something. All of these somethings may not line up, but that is okay. All of this activity in Taurus tells us that the key to unlock our full potential is through physical world manifestation. In other words, doing the work. Not talking the talk, not believing whatever the hell it is, but rather, now is the time to DO things, whether it is praying once a day, or meditating once a day, or some other spiritually themed practice. Bluntly, get to work. DO something, and if you choose not to, then you have no right to complain, because you are obviously refusing to work, so it really doesn’t matter much to you, now does it?

By dealing with these T-Squares, you may find that healing occurs faster than you thought, or at least more profoundly. This is because the moon is making a dormant but positive trine to Chiron, the planet of the wound and wounded healer. You could even make the argument that there is a Grand Trine in fire signs if you give Mars in Leo a liberal orb of influence. This means that there is a lot more energy in the air than normal, so you have the wind at your back, so to speak, when it comes to getting the lead out and making things happen. A nice trine between Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Cancer tells us it is wise to follow your vision and intuition rather than use logic and reason. This is the time to see the vision you want for yourself and then put the work in to make it happen. Remember basic chemistry, too, that air feeds fire, so the more you embrace Gemini traits and qualities right now, the more you are feeding your spiritual connection, and on a mundane level, the more you are getting things done.

Yes, this is the full moon in Gemini, but as you can see, this is really more about deeper, more complex topics, which is why you can’t really take things at face value. Knowing what to believe and when to believe it are key, as well as holding yourself accountable to yourself. But most importantly, this is the time to get to work! Discipline, physical exercises, routine, and all related things are some of the best ways to proceed, so if that is the case, then why not? Is it laziness that holds you back? Fear? Whatever it is, now is the time to internally address it. Well, that would be the smart thing to do at least.


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