A Draconian Egyptian Grimoire



Egypt. The land of enchantment and mystery. The land of milk and honey. A place known for its dark arts, majesty, wisdom, and power. It is the foundational culture of the western world, and while it is vastly alien to modern minds, a lot of its roots lie unrevealed and undiscussed.

Most people are familiar with the age of the pharaohs and their gilded monuments and tributes of gold, but far fewer are aware of how this mighty empire came into being. While it is known as the greatest empire in the history of the world spanning more than three thousand years, very few dare to ask the question of how it came into being. Where did the Egyptians come from? What beliefs did they bring with them? How did things change and develop before it climaxed?

In this introductory book, Bill Duvendack takes us on a tour of the very early influences that led to the founding and development of ancient Egypt. Focusing on the time period before the pharaohs,  and what Kenneth Grant would call the draconian or Typhonian period, he takes us on a linear tour of predynastic Egypt, clarifying and explaining how the stage was set for Egypt to become not only the greatest empire of the ancient world that we know of, but also how, in a lot of ways, those times were far more extensive, pervasive, and influential than most people realize. Part the mists of history and see what secrets Egypt still reveals to this day.

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